At last! A Drawing Group Starting Soon!

We are very excited to announce the launch of our new drawing group, Back To The Drawing Board!  Whether drawing is your hobby, your passion, your profession, or you simply want to try something new then join us at Jewels in Bedford Square on Monday evenings during school term times.

drawing flyer final

This is not a taught lesson but rather a group for people to explore, grow, and share their drawing skills. We will however begin each session with a short video tutorial and there will be advice available from local artist Rachel Wilson.

Each week there will be a different still life set up to inspire your drawing, though beware, some weeks it may not be so still!

Some topics that we will be exploring are: The use of light, composition, drawing a moving subject, incorporating text and much more!

Basic materials will be provided such as paper, pencils and charcoal. The use of these materials is included in the £5, as well as a cup of tea and a biscuit! You are welcome to bring along any of your own materials and equipment that you wish to use, we will also have other materials available to purchase as well sketchbooks and art folders.

And as if that wasn’t enough…your first session is absolutely free!



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